Course curriculum

    1. Course Outline

    2. Welcome to How to Sell B2B

    3. What is Sales?

    4. Pop Quiz: What is Sales?

    5. The Lingo: Sales Funnel & Metrics

    6. Pop Quiz: The Lingo

    7. The Difference between Sales & Marketing

    8. Pop Quiz: The Difference between Sales & Marketing

    9. The Magic of Questions

    10. Pop Quiz: The Magic of Questions

    11. Prospecting

    12. Using the Tools: Your Target Customer Profile

    13. Using LinkedIn as a Prospecting Tool

    14. Pop Quiz: Prospecting

    15. Qualification

    16. Using the Tools: Qualification Questions

    17. Pop Quiz: Qualification

    18. Managing Timing

    19. Pop Quiz: Managing Timing

    20. Group Call | Week 1 | 7 July 2023

    21. Group Call | Week 2 | 13 July 2023

    1. Discovery

    2. Using the Tool: Discovery Questions

    3. Pop Quiz: Discovery

    4. Building Rapport

    5. Pop Quiz: Building Rapport

    6. People Mapping

    7. Using the Tools: People Mapping

    8. Pop Quiz: People Mapping

    9. Presentation

    10. Pop Quiz: Presentation

    11. Group Call | Week 3 | 20 July 2023

    12. Group Call | Week 4 | 27 July 2023

    1. Objection Handling

    2. Using the Tool: Objection Handling

    3. Pop Quiz: Objection Handling

    4. The Ask

    5. Pop Quiz: The Ask

    6. Proposal

    7. Pop Quiz: Proposal

    8. Agreement

    9. Pop Quiz: Agreement

    10. Signature

    11. Pop Quiz: Signature

    12. Group Call | Week 5 | 3 Aug 2023

    13. Group Call | Week 6 | 10 Aug 2023

    1. Keeping Track: Pipelines & Forecasts

    2. Pop Quiz: Pipelines & Forecasts

    3. Pipeline Health

    4. Pop Quiz: Pipeline Health

    5. KPIs & Metrics

    6. Pop Quiz: KPIs and Metrics

    7. Managing Sales Teams

    8. Pop Quiz: Managing Teams

    9. Using the Tool: Process Map

    10. Using the Tool: Pipeline Tracker

    11. Using the Tool: Forecast Template

    12. Using the Tool: Top Down & Bottom Up

    13. Group Call | Week 7 | 17 Aug 2023

    14. Group Call | Week 8 | 24 Aug 2023

    1. Customer Success Overview

    2. What is Customer Success?

    3. Pop Quiz: Customer Success

    4. Customer Segmentation

    5. Using the Tools: Segmentation

    6. Pop Quiz: Segmentation

    7. Customer Lifecycle

    8. Using the Tools: Customer Lifecycle

    9. Onboarding

    10. Using the Tools: Onboarding

    11. Ongoing Proactive Engagement

    12. Pop Quiz: Proactive Engagement

    13. Using the Tools: Ongoing Contact Plan

    14. Health Checks

    15. Pop Quiz: Health Checks

    16. Using the Tools: Health Checks

    17. Automation

    18. Identifying Opportunities

About this course

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  • 78 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content

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